Joshua, Matthew and Miriam from philosophical practice collective Life. Examined. tackle a thought experiment in a joint, three-way dialogue.
What would you do if you had 100 Million in the bank …?
7 augusti, 2019
Joshua, Matthew and Miriam from philosophical practice collective Life. Examined. tackle a thought experiment in a joint, three-way dialogue.
What would you do if you had 100 Million in the bank …?
Kommentarer av Filoprax
#8 ”Medborgarlön – ja eller nej?”
Ännu fler tankar: https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2017/may/08/virtual-reality-religion-robots-sapiens-book Vi ses 17/1 :)
#2 Rättrådighet / justice ∙ dikaiosyne ∙ iustitia
Spellistan klar: https://open.spotify.com/user/professormiriam/playlist/0QXnyFfykMg4JeECEWxlAa
Några punkter om vardaglig människo-enteleki
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Några punkter om vardaglig människo-enteleki
Jaa! :)