Nytt namn, nytt koncept, och kickoff-workshop lördag 11 augusti. Vi blandar som vanligt svenska och engelska, och håller till på Göteborgs Litteraturhus, Heurlins Plats 1B, mellan klockan 10 och 17. Kostnad: 600 SEK. Anmälan görs till life.examined.sweden@gmail.com senast måndag 6 augusti.


Finns det något bättre sätt att spendera en sensommarlördag? Icke.


Ladda ner din flyer (PDF): LifeExaminedWorkshopFlyer


Bästa hälsningar,
Joshua, Matthew och Miriam



Find your philosophy!

A one-day philosophical practice workshop

This exclusive one-day workshop will be a wide-ranging exploration of the philosophical landscape. You will have the opportunity to examine and explore your views on many crucial issues as a wonderful teaser and beginning for the Life Examined events this fall. The workshop will be a mixture of presentation, discussion, and application.

There is no requirement for advanced or previous knowledge in order to take part.

The day will be divided up into four sessions. They are as follows:


Session 1: Who am I, and what do I know?

In this session, we’ll be addressing such fundamental questions as what it means to be human and what counts as knowledge. In philosophical terms, these are issues of ontology and epistemology.


Session 2: Where do I place value?

In this session, we’ll be looking at the complex issues of value. For example, what gives an artwork value? Are there things valuable in and of themselves? How do our beliefs about what kinds of things exist influence how we attribute value? In philosophical terms, these are questions of axiology or value theory.


Session 3: When do we arrive at a good society?

This session will be about more than just politics. We will focus on issues of justice, flourishing, human nature, and much more. In philosophical terms, these are questions of political philosophy, value theory, and ethics.


Session 4: Why do I do what I do, and how do I live the good life?

This session will focus on the thorny issues of how we ought to live. In session 3, we looked at the large scale of human society, and in this session, we focus on the smaller scale of how we should act individually. In philosophical terms, these are questions of psychology and ethics.


Book your spot by email to life.examined.sweden@gmail.com before Monday 6 August. Space is limited – sign up now! Remember to specify any allergies/dietary requirements.


11 August 2018, 10:00-17:00
Göteborgs Litteraturhus, Heurlins Plats 1B
SEK 600



The unexamined life is not worth living, som Sokrates kanske hade sagt om han pratat engelska.


Filosofi är vad vi behöver.